Horse riding has a long history as a sport and leisure activity. Today, it is practiced by a diverse range of people worldwide and in many different ways. Whether you want to go trail riding on your own, compete in dressage or showjumping, hunt or hunt-related sports like fox or deer hunting, or just go for a leisurely hack around your neighbourhood, there is likely to be a discipline for you. Horse riding is also commonly referred to as equestrianism or simply riding. The different disciplines vary in their levels of intensity and risk, from casual trail riding to high-performance show jumping. There are several sub-categories within each type of riding, which means there are a huge range of options available for all experience levels. Whether you want to ride in a group or on your own, have a casual hack or go as part of a professional competition, there is sure to be something to suit you. It’s important to note that all disciplines of horse riding are regulated by local or national governing bodies. Make sure you check with your state or country’s equestrian organization to find out which equestrian discipline is offered in your area.

Horseback riding

Riding a horse is one of the oldest sports in the world. Horseback riding is practiced almost everywhere on Earth and can be done by people of all ages and abilities. Horseback riding is a great way to connect with nature and get some exercise at the same time. You can ride for fun, for competition, or both. Horseback riding is also great for families with kids. Riding a horse is a skill that can be learned at any age, and there are many different types of riding to suit different skill levels. Horseback riding is also a great way to experience new places! The horse’s natural instincts and movements allow you to explore new areas that you may not be able to reach on foot.


Dressage is a very formal equestrian discipline that involves training a horse to perform a variety of movements in a very specific way. The word “dressage” is French for “training” and refers to the special techniques used to teach a horse to move correctly and in a way that is pleasing to an observer. A rider in dressage must make the horse look its best while riding around a ring at a very slow pace. The movements involved are designed to show off a horse’s strength, flexibility, and beauty. The goal of the rider is to show the judges that the horse is capable of performing at a very high level.


Showjumping is a competitive equestrian sport that tests the rider’s ability to accurately judge the distance, size, and shape of a series of fences. The fences are set up in a special course that is usually between 30 and 50 meters in height. Show jumping is one of the most popular disciplines of horse riding, especially among young adults. It’s fairly easy to get started in show jumping. Most people who want to compete do not need to buy a special horse, but show jumping is a sport that requires a high level of skill, strength, and fitness to excel at.

Pony Racing

Pony racing (or pony racing) is a type of horse racing that is held at a walk, jog, or slow trot. It’s a very popular equestrian sport that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many years. The sport is usually practiced by individuals or pairs of riders who usually train for several months to prepare for a race. Participants in pony racing strive to complete a course as quickly as possible, while staying within the designated rules and regulations. This is a very informal type of riding, so you don’t need to do much special training or buy a special horse. You can even ride a miniature horse if you want!

Endurance Riding

Endurance riding is a sport that tests the rider’s ability to stay balanced and in control of his or her horse for long periods of time. Endurance riding is commonly practiced during endurance rides, which are long, timed rides that usually last between 12 and 20 hours. The rider and horse are required to complete a series of challenges, such as riding in a certain speed, going up and down hills, and covering long distances. The goal is to complete the ride as fast as possible without negatively affecting the horse’s ability to continue riding for a long time.

Pony Polo

Pony Polo is a type of sports that is similar to field hockey, but with ponies instead of people. The rules are the same as for field hockey except that there are no goal posts and the pitch is about the length of a soccer pitch. There are two teams that compete against each other in an attempt to score goals by whacking a ball with a mallet. The game is played on horseback and can be played indoors or outdoors.

Horseback Polo

Horseback Polo is a team sport that is similar to field hockey but with ponies rather than people. The rules are the same as for field hockey, except that there are no goal posts and the pitch is about the length of a soccer pitch. There are two teams that compete against each other in an attempt to score goals by whacking a ball with a mallet. The game is played on horseback and can be played indoors or outdoors.


Horse riding is a great sport to participate in, whether it’s for competition or as a leisure activity. Horse riding is a great way to get in touch with nature and has many benefits for your health and well-being. There are many different types of riding to suit different skill levels, from leisurely trail riding to competitive show jumping. There is also specialised riding for children and teens, and even for people with special needs. You can find a horse riding club in your area and start participating today!