Horse riding is a great outdoor activity that’s perfect for people of all ages and abilities. However, for some people the thought of getting on a horse and riding it for the first time can be quite scary. If you’re one of these people who is afraid of horse riding, there are things you can do to help overcome your fears. Whether it’s the sight of a horse, the smell of horse feed, or the sound of a horse’s hoof hitting the ground as you climb on board, any one of these things can trigger anxiety or make you feel uncomfortable when it’s time to ride. If these things make you anxious when you’re ready to ride, it’s important to understand why this is happening so you can overcome your fears once and for all. The best way to do this is by identifying what exactly is triggering your anxiety and recognizing the thoughts and feelings that come with it. Once you’ve identified what’s triggering your anxiety, you can work on finding ways to overcome it so you’re ready to ride whenever you want in the future.

Start with basic horse training

Before you even get on the horse, you should start with basic horse training. This is because it’s important to get a feel for your horse before taking them on trail rides or other strenuous activities. With basic horse training, you’ll be able to build a relationship with your horse that will help you overcome your fear of horse riding. This can also be a great introduction to the sport for children, as it gives them a chance to learn how to properly care for and respect a horse while also having fun. Once you’ve gotten the basics down, you can move on to more advanced horse training. This will help you build your skills and confidence as a rider, which is great for anyone who wants to overcome their fears and start riding.

Practice on a small horse

If you’re really worried about getting on a really big horse and having a bad experience, you can always practice on a smaller horse. Many people who are afraid of horse riding start with smaller, easier horses because they want to get the feeling of being on a horse without putting themselves in danger. If you start with a smaller horse, you can ease into the sport and slowly work your way up. This will help you get over any fears you currently have and give you time to think about whether or not you want to continue riding. It’s also important to keep in mind that even if you start out on a smaller horse, it’s still a dangerous sport and you’ll always be at risk of getting hurt. If you’re still really worried about getting on a horse, you can always take a safety course to learn how to properly ride.

Go on a trail ride

If you have horse friends or family members, you can always go on a trail ride with them. This will give you plenty of time to get used to the sight and sounds of a horse, as well as the feel of the saddle and the wind in your hair. If you go on a trail ride, you’ll be able to see how different types of horses react in different situations and you’ll also be able to see how the trail changes with the seasons. If you go on a trail ride, you can use it as an opportunity to get to know the horse you’re riding and talk to the people who own them. This will help you get more comfortable with your horse and learn more about the sport.

Read books and watch YouTube videos

If you’re not ready to get on a horse just yet, there are a lot of books and YouTube videos you can read and watch. These will help give you a better idea of what it’s like to ride and can also help you overcome your fears. While these books and videos can help you get over your fears, it’s important to remember that they’re not 100% accurate. There’s no way to know exactly what it’s like to ride without actually doing it. While reading and watching videos can give you a better idea of what it’s like, you’ll also need to try this out for yourself. You can do this by going on a trail ride or trying to ride a smaller horse.

Use positive affirmations and visualizations

Another thing that can help you overcome your fears of horse riding is using positive affirmations and visualizations. While these won’t help you get over your fears right away, they can help you build a stronger relationship with your horse and improve your self-confidence. These tools are especially helpful if you’re trying to overcome your fears using horse riding as a way to practice positive thinking. Many people find that being around a horse gives them a positive outlook on life and makes them feel happier. If this is something that you want to use horse riding for, you can use positive affirmations and visualizations to help get you there.


Horse riding is a great outdoor activity that’s perfect for people of all ages and abilities. However, for some people the thought of getting on a horse and riding it for the first time can be quite scary. If you’re one of these people who is afraid of horse riding, there are things you can do to help overcome your fears. Whether it’s the sight of a horse, the smell of horse feed, or the sound of a horse’s hoof hitting the ground as you climb on board, any one of these things can trigger anxiety or make you feel uncomfortable when it’s time to ride. If these things make you anxious when you’re ready to ride, it’s important to understand why this is happening so you can overcome your fears once and for all. The best way to do this is by identifying what exactly is triggering your anxiety and recognizing the thoughts and feelings that come with it.